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Join us!

welcome to
Troop 185
stratham, nH

Scouting is...Hiking, Camping, Fun

Camporee in Canada.jpg
Summer Camp GSR 2019.jpg

Scouting Builds...
Leadership, Character, Personal Fitness, Citizenship

shp Campout 2021.jpg
Stratham Hill Park Campout 2021

Interested in joining Troop 185? 
Please contact us

Troop 185 meets on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00 at the Stratham Fire Station. 

Interested in making a donation to Troop 185?

Donations go to Troop 185 to fund troop activities, supplies and equipment, and provide scholarships for summer camp. Click on the link or use the QR code to make your donation now.


We also accept donations for our Scouts working towards Eagle to support their Eagle Project. 

Thank you!

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