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Adult leadership

Troop Committee

The adult leaders of Troop 185 are BSA-trained volunteers who are all parents of current scouts. Many of the adult leaders also serve as merit badge counselors or activity leaders and most have been scouts themselves. If you have any questions about Troop 185, feel free to contact one of us.


The Troop Committee meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month to plan and coordinate activities, conduct troop business, and discuss upcoming events. Meetings are open to all Troop 185 parents, and parents are encouraged to attend.









Leaders at Camp.jpg
Troop Leaders 185B.jpg
Dana Brown.jpg
Dana Brown

Assistant Scoutmaster, 185B

Email Dana

Carolyn Barron

Committee Member

Email Carolyn

Carolyn b.jpg
Sherri Brown.jpg
Sherri Brown

Assistant Scoutmaster, 185G

Email Sherri

Geri Denton

Committee Chair

Email Geri

jeff denton.jpg
Jeff Denton

Chartered Unit Representative

Email Jeff

BSA Fleur de lis.jpg
David Gandt

Assistant Scoutmaste, 185G

Email Dave

kathie g.jpg
Kathie Garrity

Committee Member

Email Kathie

BSA Fleur de lis.jpg
Jeff Karam

Assistant Scoutmaster, 185B

Email Jeff

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Russell Little

Assistant Scoutmaster, 185B

Email Russell

Dave Emanuel.jpg
Dave Emanuel

Scoutmaster, 185G

Email Dave

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Jennifer Jusseaume


Email Jennifer

Kristen Mulcahy

Advancement Chair

Email Kristen

Frank Mulcahy

Assistant Scoutmaster, 185B&G

Email Frank

Kerry R.jpg
Matt Sturtevan, Assistant Scoutmaster
Kerry Rich

Committee Member

Email Kerry

Matt Sturtevant

Scoutmaster 185B

Email Matt

contact us

The Chartered Organization for
Stratham Troop 185 is the
Stratham Volunteer Fire Department Association, 
Located at 4 Winnicutt Rd.

Mailing Address:  10 Bunker Hill Ave. c/o SVFDA, Stratham, NH 03885


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